Impacting Israel!


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Branch updates

Love Gift

Dear Friends, Our Love-gift is on its way to the people of Israel! Israel is on the brink of war! Her need for our love and for our practical support could not be more urgent. Our response could not be more timely!

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Christians reject recognition of Palestinian State

Christians in Ireland, Norway reject their governments’ ‘dangerous’ recognition of Palestinian state Leaders say recognition will only ‘reward the barbarism of Hamas’ ICEJ Norway Rally against antisemitism. 12 May, 2024. Following the joint press conference in Brussels, Belgium on Tuesday, where the governments of Spain, Ireland, and Norway recognized a Palestinian state along the 1967…

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Renewed wave of Aliyah

ICEJ riding renewed wave of Aliyah to Israel By Howard Flower, ICEJ Aliyah director The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem continues to assist hundreds of Jewish families from many lands in making the journey home to the Land of Israel this year, despite the ongoing war in Gaza. Although the October 7 terror attacks slowed the…

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